We have insurance, but after the clomid rodeo last year, I learned how quickly medical intervention adds up in dollars. The Doc would want to progesterone draws a cycle, which wasn't covered *at all* so those were over a hundred bucks a pop... it got out of hand. I would love to have the money to go at this full force, but that is not our station in life. I'm not complaining about this. We have always been the type to do our best with what we have.
My current cocktail consists of: Prenatal Vitamin, Omega 3-6-9 supplement, Cinnamon, Zinc, and Vitex.
Oh, Vitex.
I started taking Vitex about two weeks ago. Now, I know most women don't see any results for a long time on this. But, within the first week, I started having lower abdominal cramps daily. They are consistent but manageable, so I carried on. At the end of the 2nd week, I started getting tender breasts along with the cramping. Yesterday, I had light spotting which basically disappeared over the course of half a day.
I have NO idea what my body is doing. The fact is, it is clearly doing something - which in my eyes is a lot better than the nothing it was doing before. I have tried to figure out why it could be doing something so quickly in me but not in others. I know we are all different. Maybe I just needed a nudge instead of a giant push. So now I'm impatiently waiting to see what is going to happen.
Next up - adding NPC (Natural Progesterone Cream), ordered some and it should arrive this week.
I would like to ring in the new year with a normal cycle, and hopefully being that much closer to the kid of my dreams.
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