Friday, October 7, 2011

WTF Weight.


For the past month or so I have been resolved on starting back on the healthy diet train and getting things in gear. Knowing what other pcos ladies have accomplished by removing their weight problem, I feel like I need to give that it's fair shot. And really that's not the only reason. I would look better, feel better, live longer, blah blah blah.

Anyway, for three weeks of the last month I've said "It's totally time to lose weight" but did nothing. So the last week I have actually attempted it. And overall it has felt good. Why is it, that eating better honestly makes my body feel genuinely better yet I still can't remove the urges for all things both naughty and yummy?

So I get on the scale halfway through the week and it's like, 5 pounds down. Now, as serial on and off loser of weight I am used to this. You will almost always lose a nice chunk of water weight right off the bat when watching what you eat. But today, I get back on and 4 of those 5 have returned. Enter irritation.

What pisses me off the most, is that I have done nothing to regain weight. So perhaps I'm bloated? But then, why am I bloated? Also, why is it that with PCOS it feels like you have to question everything? Or is it just that those of us with this crap have an inherent need to drive ourselves to the point of madness?

What's that pain? What's my body doing? When am I going to get my period? Could I be pregnant? Will I ever get pregnant? Why can't this happen to someone else? What is that cramping? Am I going to ovulate?

Good god... there are a million more where that came from. I bet the PCOS community as a whole is a nice segment of what keeps Google in business.

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